


Singing Arrow Neighborhood Association (SANA)

  • Starbuck’s in Smith’s Grocery Parking Lot: Watch the building process and progress!  Completion hoped for by the end of the year.
  • New Fire Station on Central Planned: The City has purchased the land and is building a new fire station #12 on Central Avenue, to the west of Sonic.
  • Singing Arrow Playground Renovation: The City’s landscape architect along with Councilor Renee Grout met with Singing Arrow neighbors to share plans for a shiny new Singing Arrow playground. Neighbors offered substantial comments with the hope that changes will be made to the plan and brought back to the community for its further consideration.  GroundworkStudio, the landscape architect, has responded that it is endeavoring to revise the plan to incorporate some of the comments discussed at the meeting.
  • Workforce Housing for Kirtland Air Force Base Airmen: The Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority purchaed property at 12201 Central Avenue, just west of the Blake's Lotaburger on Central and Burma; MRA is working on a Request for Proposals from private developers to build quality affordable apartments.



There’s lots going on for you and your family - mostly FREE!  Get out and check these out!

December 9, WILDLIFE DRINKER WORKSHOP: from 10am to noon; join Open Space and Rio Grande Return staff in assembling wildlife drinkers at the Candelaria Nature Preserve; drinkers help provide drinking water for resident and migrating wildlife that call the Preserve home; learn how to build cost effective units out of PVC pipe and install them in corridor areas; instructions and parts list will  e provided as take-home resources; contact Joe Strange @ 505/991-8504 or 
December 9, APD COMMUNITY POLICING COUNCIL - FOOTHILLS AREA COMMAND - COMMUNITY MEETING: 6pm at the Manzano Mesa Multi-Generational Center, 501 Elizabeth St SE: a representative from the APD Foothills Area Command will give an updste on police responses for October as well as answer questions from the community; a representative from the Bernalillo County Metro Court has been invited to present useful information about court proceedings and the judicial process. 
December 10, 17, THIS IS A STITCH UP!: FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library, 908 Eastridge NE; work on your knitting, crocheting, stitching or other fiber arts; all skill levels are welcome; 2-4pm.
December 11, 18, ADULT WALKING GROUP:
FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library, 908 Eastridge NE, 11am-noon.
stories, songs, rhymes and movement; no registration required; for groups of 5+, please call ahead; ages 3-5; FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library, 908 Eastridge NE, 10:30-11:15am.
December 12, TEEN/TWEEN CRAFT: SHRINKING CHARMS: ages 9-17 from 4-5:30pm; FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library, 908 Eastridge NE.
December 13, 20, BABY STORYTIME: FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library, 908 Eastridge NE, 10:30-11:00am.

December 13, ADULT CRAFTERNOON: HOLIDAY CENTERPIECES: ages 18+; FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library, 908 Eastridge NE; 3-4pm.
December 14, SEED MANDALA AND WINTER SOLSTICE CELEBRATION: 9am to 2pm; celebrate the coming of the winter season at the Open Space Visitor Center; help make mandalas using grains and seeds and create your own designs; bring family and friends and enjoy a morning of making art together in this beautiful space; formore information call 505/768-4951. 
December 16, CITY COUNCIL MEETING: held in the Vincent E Griego Council Chambers, basement level of the City of Albuquerque Government Center, 1 Civic Plaza NW; beginning at 5pm unless another time is indicated on the agenda; all meetings are open to the public.
December 17, SUPPORT GROUP FOR FAMILY CARE GIVERS: FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library, 908 Eastridge NE; registration required; please call 505-494-4021 to register for for more information; 11am-1:15pm.

December 18, LOMAS TRAMWAY MYSTERY BOOK GROUP - "THE RIVER" BY PETER HELLER: group meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month; new members always welcome; no registration required; 3-4pm at the Lomas Tramway Library.
December 19, LEGO CLUB: build anything and everything in this fun STEAM activity that combines engineering and art, and have it on display at the library; FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library 3:30pm-5:30pm.
December 20, SENIOR SCRABBLE: share treats and meet new people, every 3rd Friday of the month; at the Lomas Tramway Library, 3-5pm.
December 20, SINGING ARROW LUMINARIA STROLL: 6-7:30pm, sponsored by the Singing Arrow Neighborhood Association and the Singing Arrow Community Center; live music, cookies, hot cocoa and lots of luminarias; at the Singing Arrow Community Center.
December 21, READ TO THE DOGS: children practice reading in a relaxed atmosphere with a patient listening trained therapy dog, sitting calmly and quietly for a story; at the Lomas Tramway Library; 1-2:30pm.
December 21, GINGERBREAD HOUSE DECORATING: kids ages 5-17 decorate their own gingerbread house, being as creative as they wat, then eat their tasty creation or take it hom to show family and friends; registration required; FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library, 3:30-4:30pm.
December 24, 31, THIS IS A STITCH UP!: FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library, 908 Eastridge NE; work on your knitting, crocheting, stitching or other fiber arts; all skill levels are welcome; 1-3pm.

FREE guided tour and hike from 10am to noon lead by staff and volunteer experts; tour begins at entrey gate located at the west end of Arbor Road, west of Rio Grande Blvd; dress to walk on rough terrain and bring water; for more information or to register for this or other educational events, visit
December 27, SPECIAL MOVIE SHOWING: WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY: join the expedition visiting legendary Candy Man Willy Wonka in a splendiferous movie that wondrously bring to screen the endlessly appetizing delights of Roald Dahl's classic book; FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library 3-5pm.
December 28, TALKING MOVIES: fun movie discussion group the last Saturday of the month; FREE at the Lomas Tramway Library; 3-5pm.


January 14, SINGING ARROW NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION - BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING:6-7:45pm at the Singing Arrow Community Center, 13200 Wenonah SE; open to the public.
February 10, COMBINED SINGING ARROW NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION AND COMMUNITY POLICING COUNCIL MEETING: 6-7:45pm at the Singing Arrow Community Center, 13200 Wenonah SE open to the public.

The Singing Arrow Neighborhood Association provides the above listing of meetings, activities and events for the benefit and convenience of our community, but does not sponsor nor specifically endorse them. We replicate listings from each relevant organization’s website or other public communications or advertisements.  You are encouraged to visit these organization’s websites or contact them directly for more information, ora to confirm that an event is still scheduled as advertised.  We hope you will get out and check out some of these interesting events!!!

Have You Joined, or Renewed, Your SANA Membership for 2024?
If you live within our neighborhood, we hope you are a current 2024 member of the Singing Arrow Neighborhood Association (SANA), to become informed and hopefully involved in getting to know your neighbors and improving our neighborhood.  Only current SANA members will be entitled to vote for new Directors at our Annual Meetings, and to receive important neighborhood information via email.  It's FREE and EASY to join!
If you were a member in 2023, please renew your membership for 2024 by sending an email to: and request that your membership be renewed for 2024.
If you are not a current member, please consider joining SANA as soon as possible.  Send an email to, and we will email a membership form to you.
SANA membership benefits you and our neighborhood!  SANA offers opportunities for neighbors to:
  • get to know each other,
  • promote community welfare,
  • support local businesses, and
  • improve community appearance and quality of life.
Additionally, Albuquerque law requires that SANA be notified in writing by city government and developers concerning proposed housing or business developments, zoning changes, land use flood plain and other environmental / conservation issues that could impact our community.  SANA shares these proposals with our members and when possible, arranges for neighborhood meetings with proponents of such developments, to exchange information and to voice our support or opposition.  SANA's position may be taken into consideration when such proposals are considered for approval.
Please call us at 505/675-0479 or email us at if you have any questions.